Pulp Heroes
In a world where adventure and intrigue collide, where larger-than-life characters embark on daring missions to save the day, a new film series emerges, taking us back to the golden age of pulp fiction. Welcome to "Pulp Heroes," a thrilling cinematic universe that brings together three iconic figures of the genre: The Shadow, Flash Gordon, and The Rocketeer.
A football player and his mates travel to the planet Mongo and find themselves fighting the tyranny of Ming the Merciless to save Earth.
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A stunt pilot comes across a prototype jetpack that gives him the ability to fly. However, evil forces of the world also want this jetpack at any cost.
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Based on the 1930's comic strip, puts the hero up against his arch enemy, Shiwan Khan, who plans to take over the world by holding a city to ransom using an atom bomb. Using his powers of…read more
Hi-Pointe Main Theatre